Movie Night 8/14/24
Hello again Pack 390!
I promise to get better at emails!!! Some additional information about tomorrow's (Wednesday's) movie night that I forgot to include:
- It is at St. Christopher Parish (our normal meeting space).
- Please bring your own water/drink as access to the water fountain will be limited.
See you all tomorrow!
Good Evening Pack 390!
Friendly reminder - this Wednesday at 7 p.m. is our final Pack 390 Summer Event. The overwhelming favorite from the movie voting during the Pool Party is... Garfield!
We'll have popcorn for everyone to enjoy during the movie. In addition, this will also be an opportunity for the parents to hear about this year's popcorn fundraiser.
I realize this is a busy time of year with school and fall activities ramping up. Hope to see everyone there for a relaxing end to the summer!
P.S. To prevent the evening going too late, I plan to start the movie at 7 p.m. sharp (1:41 runtime).